powered by

Human-friendly invoice portal for your customers

Cut costs and focus on your core business. Enable your customers to view, edit, and download their Stripe invoices.

  • Pre-built invoice portal for customers
  • Eliminate 0.4% Stripe invoice fee
  • Cut down on customer support

Self-serve invoices for your customers

1. Connect account
InvoiceBear will connect to your account through a

restricted access key

2. Copy portal link

You've got your own editable portal link to share with your customers to download their invoices

3. Share the link

Customers signs in with their email and download their invoices at no cost for you

Free up your hands and put the focus back on your business

Without InvoiceBear

  • Time-consuming manual invoice creation

  • Costly per-invoice fees (up to $2 each)

  • Hours spent on customer support

  • Inflexible invoices - unable to update VAT or Tax ID

  • No option for retroactive invoicing

InvoiceBear logo

  • Efficient self-service invoice system

  • Unlimited invoices without fees

  • Minimal customer support required

  • Fully editable invoices for compliance

  • Create invoices for any transaction, past or present

Your own invoices portal. Your domain & brand. Zero fees.

Up and running in 2 minutes. Watch how simple it is.

InvoiceBear bear

Bring InvoiceBear to your domain

Keep your brand front and centre for just $9/mo

  • Unlimited custom domains
  • Branded invoincing portal
  • Branded emails for customers
  • Professional self-serve invoices

It allows your customers to view, edit and download their invoices. Eliminates Stripe fees associated with each invoice (0.4% of the invoice amount) and allows you to focus on your core business.

It allows your customers to add VAT, Tax ID or fix typos after the invoice was paid.

No, you don't need to know how to code to use InvoiceBear

No limit.

Yes. There are clear instructions on how to do it.

There is no limit on how many you can connect with InvoiceBear Pro. If you choose InvoiceBear Lite you can connect 1 Stripe account.

InvoiceBear Pro allows unlimited Stripe accounts and unlimited domains (one custom domain per Stripe account)

Yes. InvoiceBear is a tool created specifically for Stripe.

We only request (through Restricted API keys) the data needed to provide you with the service. In our case, viewing and generating invoices.

Access to the invoicing portal is secured with a short lived link sent to the customer's email address.

Once the link expires, the customer can no longer access the portal. They will need to request a new link.

Customers can edit their own invoices. They get a short lived link sent to their email address.


